Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Methods
1. H. Gerischer, K. Cammann: „Photoelektrochemische Prozesse und Photokatalyse an Zinkoxid-Suspensionen und Zinkoxid-Deckschichten“, Ber Bunsenges Phys Chem 76, 385-88 (1972)
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7. K. Cammann: „Flow-Injection Analysis with Electrochemical Detection”, Fresenius Z Anal Chem 329, 691-97 (1987)
8. K. Cammann, L. Ilcheva, T. Georgieva: “Flow injection analysis of iodide in table salt”, J Biotech Chem (Bulg.) 8, 21 (1989)
9. L. Ilcheva, R. Yanakiev, K. Cammann: “Flow Injection Potentiometry of Bromide Ions in Sea Water”, J Indian Chem Soc 68, 154 (1991)
10. H. Koch, R. Gröning, J. Ebel, P. Grau, B. Ahlers, M. Decker, W. Hasse, K. Cammann: „Electroanalytical investigations concerning the inclusion of chloramphenicol succinate sodium in cyclodextrins”, Pharmazie 49, 192-94 (1994)
11. C. Felcmann, K. Cammann: “Electrochemical studies on chemically modified smooth platinum electrodes”, Sensors and Actuatos B, 18-19, 348-52 (1994)
12. Lutze, B. Ross, K. Cammann: “Gran’s plot titration and flow injection titration of sulphate in ground and drinking water with a barium ion-selective electrode”, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 350, 630-32 (1994)
13. F. Zuther, B. Ross, K. Cammann: “Differential flow-injection potentiometry with double sensitivity using one in-selective membrane”, Anal. Chim. Acta 313,83-87 (1999)
14. K. Cammann: Chapter 8: „Elektrochemische Untersuchungsverfahren“, pp 97-130 in: „Untersuchungsmethoden in der Chemie“, H. Naumer, W. Heller (eds.) 3rd Ed. G. Thieme Verlag Stuttgart-New York ISBN 3-13-681 402-9, 1997;
15. A. Schwake, B. Ross, K. Cammann: “Chrono amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide in swimming pool water using an ultramicroelectrode array”, Sensors and Actuatores B 46,3, 242-248, 1998;
16. A. Schwake, B. Roß, K. Cammann: “Basic analysis on the origin of asymmetry potentials observed with ion selective polymer matrix membranes” EUROSENSORS XI, 11th European Conference on Solid State Transducers, Warsaw, Poland, September 21.-24.97, 243-246 Sensors and Actuators B 48, 1-3, 251-257, 1998;
17. A. Schwake, H. Geuking, K. Cammann: “Application of a new graphical fitting approach for data analysis in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy”, Electroanalysis 10, 15,1026-1029, 1998;
18. K. Wiegran, T. Trapp, K. Cammann: “Development of a coulometric carbon dioxide sensor for a marine application”, Eurosensors XII, European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Southampton, UK, 13.-16.9.98,217-220, 1998;
19. K. Wiegran, T. Trapp, K. Cammann: “A coulometric carbon dioxide sensor for a marine application”, Chimia 52, 7-8, 400, 1998;
20. T. Trapp, B. Roß, K. Cammann, E. Schirmer, C. Berthold: “Development of a CO2 gas sensor based on the coulometric titration”, EUROSENSORS XI, 11th European Conference on Solid State Transducers, Warsaw, Poland, September 21.-24.97, 559-562 Sensors and Actuators B50, 97-103, 1998;
21. A. Schwake, K. Cammann, A. Smirnova, S. Levitchev, V. Khitrova, A. Grekovich, and Yu. Vlasov: “Potentiometric Properties and Impedance Spectroscopic Data of Poly (vinyl chloride) Membranes Containing Quaternary Ammonium Salts of Different Chemical Structure”, Analytica Chimica Acta 393, 19-28, 1999;